错误代码 (Error Code)错误信息 (Error Message)中文翻译受影响的端点 (Affected Endpoints)
1870125You can’t use app activity Custom Audiences for inclusion in Ads Creation/Editing on an iOS 14 campaign because of changes in iOS 14.您无法在 iOS 14 广告系列中将应用活动自定义受众用于广告创建或编辑,因为 iOS 14 的更改影响了您检测移动设备操作的能力。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
POST /{adset-id}
1870141You can’t use app connections for iOS 14 campaigns because of changes in iOS 14.5.您无法在 iOS 14 广告系列中使用应用连接,因为 iOS 14.5 的更改影响了您检测移动设备操作的能力。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
POST /{adset-id}
2446632iOS 14 campaigns can only promote iOS apps. Select an iOS app or choose a different campaign type.iOS 14 广告系列只能推广 iOS 应用。请选择一个 iOS 应用或选择不同的广告系列类型。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
2446685You don’t have permission to run an app installs campaign for this app.您没有权限为该应用运行应用安装广告系列。请向应用所有者请求权限或选择其他应用。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
2446686For iOS14 Campaigns, we limit the number of ad accounts that can promote a given Application.对于 iOS 14 广告系列,我们限制每个应用的广告账户数量。当另一个广告账户已经在推广该应用时,将显示此错误消息。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
2446692You can’t create a new campaign with this iTunes app ID since it’s already being used.您无法使用此 iTunes 应用 ID 创建新广告系列,因为它已被使用。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
2446693To create an iOS 14 campaign, make sure your app has upgraded to version 8.0 or later of the Facebook SDK.要创建 iOS 14 广告系列,请确保您的应用已升级到 Facebook SDK 8.0 或更高版本。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
2446694To create an iOS 14 campaign, make sure your app has upgraded to version {min_version} or later of the third-party SDK.要创建 iOS 14 广告系列,请确保您的应用已升级到第三方 SDK 的 {min_version} 或更高版本。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
2446695Your app is sending events via server to server and does not send SKAdNetwork events automatically.您的应用通过服务器发送事件,并未自动发送 SKAdNetwork 事件。请前往事件管理器确认已为您的应用设置了 SKAdNetwork API。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
2446697Ad account {ad-account-id} is already promoting this app.广告账户 {ad-account-id} 已经在推广此应用。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
2446698Once you publish an iOS 14 campaign, you can’t change the campaign type.一旦您发布了 iOS 14 广告系列,您将无法更改广告系列类型。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
2446699To run this iOS 14 campaign, you need to provide an iTunes URL.要运行此 iOS 14 广告系列,您需要提供一个 iTunes URL。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
2446700To run this iOS 14 campaign, you need to provide an iTunes app ID.要运行此 iOS 14 广告系列,您需要提供一个 iTunes 应用 ID。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
2490208The same optimization for ad delivery is required for all ad sets in an iOS 14 campaign.iOS 14 广告系列中的所有广告组都需要使用相同的广告投放优化方式。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/ads
2490216Target cost is not available for iOS 14 ad campaigns. Select another bid strategy to optimize your campaign.目标成本策略在 iOS 14 广告系列中不可用。请选择另一种竞价策略来优化您的广告系列。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
2490217You can’t select app installs as your billing event and ad delivery optimization.您无法同时选择“应用安装”作为您的计费事件和广告投放优化方式。请选择其他优化方式或计费事件。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
3285004To choose value as the optimization for ad delivery, you need to turn on the value set in Events Manager first. Learn more.要选择“价值”作为广告投放优化方式,您需要先在事件管理器中启用价值设置。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
3285005To choose app events as the optimization for ad delivery, you need to set up app events in Events Manager first. Learn more.要选择“应用事件”作为广告投放优化方式,您需要先在事件管理器中设置应用事件。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
3285006The event you selected is not set up as one of your available conversion events.您选择的事件未设置为可用的转化事件之一。请选择其他事件或在事件管理器中更新您的选择。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
3285007We’re still working on supporting iOS 14 campaigns for apps using a third party mobile measurement partner.我们仍在努力支持使用第三方移动测量合作伙伴的应用进行的 iOS 14 广告系列。请与您的合作伙伴应用联系以获取更新。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
POST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
3285008As a result of Apple’s new iOS 14 policy requirements, deferred deep links aren’t available for this ad.由于 Apple 的新 iOS 14 政策要求,延迟深度链接不适用于此广告。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/ads
3285009The same event optimization is required for all ad sets in an iOS 14 campaign.iOS 14 广告系列中的所有广告组需要使用相同的事件优化方式。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
3285010Before creating an iOS 14 campaign with this app ID, we need to verify app ownership.在使用此应用 ID 创建 iOS 14 广告系列之前,我们需要验证应用所有权。要请求审核,请通过以下链接联系 Facebook 业务帮助中心:https://www.facebook.com/business/help/supportPOST /act_{ad-account-id}/campaigns
3260002All domains need to be associated with a pixel event pair and an ad.所有域都需要与像素事件对及广告相关联。要发布此广告,请选择新的域或在事件管理器中配置域的像素事件对。POST /{adgroup-id}
POST /act_{ad-account-id}/ads
3260007This event isn’t set up on a domain.此事件未在域中设置。要运行此广告组,请选择新事件。如果您的广告组已发布,您需要先复制它再选择新事件。您也可以在事件管理器中配置您的事件设置。POST /act_{ad-account-id}/adsets
POST /adsets
3260008Your ad was paused because you or someone managing your domains recently updated your conversion events.您的广告已暂停,因为您或管理您的域的人最近更新了您的转化事件。更新完成后需要 72 小时,此广告才可以再次运行。POST /{adgroup-id}
POST /act_{ad-account-id}/ads



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